Aspire Insights

See yourself in MedComms

Our Aspirations team reaches out to aspiring medical writers

See yourself in MedComms

Over the course of 2023, our Aspirations team was busy spreading the word about MedComms and meeting hundreds of aspiring medical writers up and down the country.

We kicked things off back in March, with a visit to the University of Manchester’s School of Biological Sciences careers fair. Then in June, we headed to the University of Birmingham Medical School, for FirstMedCommsJob’s ‘Introduction to MedComms’. Both events were a fantastic opportunity to chat with students, graduates, and alumni about the excitement of a career in medical writing and how taking part in Aspirations — our unique scheme offering paid, real-life medical writing experience — can kick start your medical writing career.

Around 25% of Aspire Scientific’s writing team joined the company after first taking part in Aspirations. We think that this real-life perspective on getting started in medical writing is invaluable and we’re delighted that several of our Aspirations alumni team members were able to share their journeys with delegates at a wide range of different careers events. From one-to-one chats at our event stands, to panel discussions, and Q&A sessions, aspiring medical writers heard first-hand how to be successful at gaining a medical writing role.

In a panel discussion at Birmingham, one of our alumni shared insights on her current role at Aspire Scientific and how useful it was to first gain experience with Aspirations. The next month, another audience gained the benefit of these insights, and learned how to transition from academia to MedComms, in an online career development session for the University of Manchester.  We reached out to even more aspiring medical writers over the summer, with a webinar for FirstMedCommsJob all about Aspirations, and alumni’s personal journeys.  

We also spent summer gearing up to attend September’s large ‘Working in and around MedComms’ event held by NetworkPharma at Heathrow. It was heartening to hear such passion and enthusiasm for MedComms among the hundreds of delegates, with a real ‘buzz’ in the room. We were proud to share information on Aspire Scientific’s people-first culture and Disability Confident Committed status. We were thrilled to run our first interactive writing workshop at the event, giving attendees a taste of our Aspirations scheme.

We rounded off the year by taking part in an online life sciences careers event for DIVERSE.’s network of students, graduates, and young professionals from underrepresented groups. It was a privilege to hear so many candidates excited about contributing to the life sciences and embarking on a career in MedComms.

We can’t wait to do it all again and connect with even more aspiring medical writers in 2024!

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